I consider myself to be a great lover of watches; some may go so far to call me an enthusiast, but this isn’t limited to the expensive, oversized and sometimes over-styled timepieces that fill the pages of our magazines, far from it. When buying a watch – or indeed, just browsing…weekly – I always consider a few key things; does the design suit my style, is it understated, does it look and feel well made, do the colour and material choices work well together, has it been over-designed?

This stuff all runs through my head every time I see a new style watch, and is exactly what I thought the first time I saw the Shore Projects collection. As soon as I saw the white face, with dark brown strap, and minimal, numberless face I knew it would fit the bill nicely. But it wasn’t until I saw it in person that I knew it would quickly turn into one of my most worn watches. See, that’s the thing with Shore Projects, it’s a timeless, simplistic and versatile design, which works well as an everyday watch as well as it does in more formal occasions. Back in August, of 2015, I wore my Poole with a 2-piece suit to a wedding, but then on a regular week I’ll just be at home in a white t-shirt, sweatshirt and sweatpants, wearing that same watch. Oh yeah, I’m one of those people that can’t leave the house without a watch – my stance is that a phone or smart-watch will never replace the tried-and-tested wristwatch.
Since I got my Shore Projects Poole it has travelled to America, Morocco, Germany, France, and Switzerland with me. The leather strap has worn in nicely and has developed a natural patina around the stress areas. This year we’ve booked to go visit Las Vegas for 8 days, so my trusty friend will be heading down the casino, visiting the shows and driving across the desert with me. Now, if only the watch has a build-in milometer…
